Our Preferred Links
Links & Resources Every Collector Needs
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Reely Old Reels
CAFTA Member. Reel collector & expert. Reels and antique tackle. My name is Paul Manuel and I live in Toronto, Canada. I like to collect antique fishing reels, lures and whatever old tackle looks interesting.
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Antique Lures
Advanced Knowledge About Collecting
Featuring extensive educational, pricing, photos, and identification information for pre-1960 antique fishing lures and lure boxes.Want To Become A Member?
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Lure Lore
This is another one of our great favourites! This website has tons of info on miscellaneous baits their colour charts as well baits for sale and River Runt info.
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Joe's Old Lures
This bulletin board is provided as a public forum for announcements, messages, questions, chat or almost anything else you can think of related to antique fishing tackle.
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Hunting & Fishing
Collectibles Magazine
Excellent articles on all types of tackle, collectibles, and fishing. We highly recommend this website for anyone looking to learn more about the history and heritage of our hobby!
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Mr. Lurebox
Unbelievably Awesome!
This website is about collecting antique fishing lures and their boxes. You will find educational and historical information on early tackle makers, along with hundreds of photos of museum quality antique lures, all in their original boxes.Front Title
This is where the text for the front of your card should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.
Ontario Lures
Huge Source of Canadian Lures History
This is an information website to assist fishing tackle collectors and the public. There are many vintage lure companies from Ontario Canada. This website will help to educate and assist fishing tackle collectors to identify and value lures manufactured in the province of Ontario.